5 Healthy Holiday Dessert Recipes
Peppermint Black Bean Brownies Ingredients: 1 can Black Beans 2 Eggs ½ cup Coconut Oil (melted) ½ cup Cocoa Powder 2/3 cup Coconut...
10 Most Common Health Myths
1. FAT MAKES YOU FAT – Contrary to popular belief and mainstream media/marketing tactics, FAT is actually NOT the enemy!! Healthy fats...
4 Ways to Speed up your Metabolism
Metabolism is the process where your body converts things that you have consumed into energy. During this process, the calories consumed...
Homemade Salad Dressing Guide
As you all know (since we constantly talk about it) healthy fats are a VERY important part of your diet! Making your own salad dressing...
Protein Mugcake
Quick and Delicious guilt free treat! ¼ cup (28-30 grams) chocolate protein powder 1 small ripe mashed banana ¼ teaspoon baking powder 1...
10 Healthy Snack Ideas
These 10 easy and quick snacks are great to curb your appetite without throwing your fitness goals off! 1. VEGGIES AND HUMMUS - Hummus is...